Hi, y’all! we’re gwyn and ami.

Welcome to our adventurous corner of the internet! We’re the couple behind the Instagram account @gwynandami, where we share our love of travel, hiking, photography, and outdoor adventures.

Our goal is to help YOU to travel, get outside, and have fun! On our website you can find hiking guides, gear reviews and recommendations, fun travel itineraries, and information about our camper van build, which we completed in 2021.

Want to know more about us? In addition to hiking, travel, and backpacking adventures, we love working on DIY home projects, cooking delicious vegetarian meals, and exploring the local coffee shop and brewery scene. When we’re not outside adventuring and having fun you can usually find us behind our laptops, since we both work full time. Gwyn has a geography Ph.D. and works as an academic researcher studying plastics in agriculture, and Ami is a civil engineer who specializes in river restoration and fish passage. We call Spokane, Washington home, and love living in the Pacific Northwest!

Have questions? Looking to partner on a project, or to hire us for brand photography? You can send us an email at gwynandami@gmail.com, or connect with us via Instagram @gwynandami. You can also learn more about working with us by clicking here.

Gwyn and Ami in Mammoth, California in fall. Travel, hiking, and outdoor adventures content.

Get to know us better…

  • Our Instagram journey started in 2020 when we postponed our wedding and decided to build a camper van. We use our van for most of our weekend adventures, and occasionally live in it for several months at a time.
  • Gwyn grew up in southern New Jersey outside of Philly, and Amiana grew up in Sacramento, California. We met online while living in Portland, Oregon. We currently live in Spokane, Washington, but have also lived in Blacksburg, Virginia (go Hokies!) and Davis, California together.
  • Our favorite National Parks include the North Cascades, Acadia, Death Valley, and Joshua Tree.
  • We’re both in our 30’s, and think this is our best decade yet!

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